Does Collaborating on Your Contact List Grow Your Leads List?

Most sales teams seem to work in a disconnected way. They work relentlessly on their contact list trying to convert them into leads and the only information that seems to flow to and fro is whether the contact moved to the next stage of the sales cycle or not.

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Adopted A Collaborative Tool? Great! How To Make It Work?

There are various types of organisations ,but all of them are trying to do the same thing. Be in sync with the latest trends of “working” so that they can achieve more with less. The style of working has undergone a drastic change. It is no more limited to the workstation. Businesses are figuring out newer ways to reach out to their customers and this requires employees to work more collaboratively.

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End The Sales & Marketing War. With The Power Of Collaboration

End The Sales & Marketing War. With The Power Of Collaboration The war between sales & marketing teams is not news to anyone anymore. First, the news was broken in whispers, then in loud discussions inside the meeting rooms and then announced to the whole world through every possible channel. Businesses spend a lot of time, money and efforts addressing this war and sometimes making sure that the war continues, as long as it contributes to the final numbers.

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What Happened To The Release Management System ‘AFTER’ Using A Collaboration Tool – Part 2

In the 1st part, we showed how a small team of enthusiastic professionals were driving release management. What started as a quarterly roadmap setting meeting resulted in everything but the roadmap. Every team member seemed to be bogged down with the sheer amount of over-seeing work. Not the tasks. It was a revelation when they realised that it took more to stay updated, brainstorm and create tasks in the excel than actually working on the tasks.

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