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Does Collaborating on Your Contact List Grow Your Leads List?

Most sales teams seem to work in a disconnected way. They work relentlessly on their contact list trying to convert them into leads and the only information that seems to flow to and fro is whether the contact moved to the next stage of the sales cycle or not.

There is a lot more to be tapped from each of your sales members. No amount of meetings can extract insights from this information which comes purely from practical experience. When was he contacted? What were the opening lines of conversation? Did the contact respond?What did he say (I want more time, I want more information, I want to know the relevance of your offering, I want to know the ROI) without saying the exact words?

The “Contact Management” tool is a great medium to tap into these insights. With each transaction, the team builds on its ability and scope to use more insights and generate more usable leads. Here are some of those features:

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