Hashtags’ role in the social and work environment
In our last blog, we have seen how hashtags have proven their worth as an efficient tool to manage unstructured information. Now we will see what more can be achieved with hashtags.
Hashtags have their place in various applications, because of their utility. Some segments where hashtag are used,
- Social media websites
- Collaboration in work environment
- Tracking earnings and expenses
- Managing unstructured information
- Monitoring processes and transactions
Hashtags utility in various social applications and websites:
Twitter is the most popular website where we use hashtags. Of course, Twitter was the first who introduced hashtags in social media. Adding # before any word or phrase in your tweet makes it a hashtag. Twitter provides hashtag trends with the count which tell you what peoples are talking about on Twitter. It also provides suggested hashtags as related searches.
#SocialMedia #MicroBlogging #Followers #Trends
Facebook takes care of users privacy settings, so clicking on a hashtag here will bring posts based on the user’s privacy setting. It allows performs multi hashtag search. Facebook shows the trend but not necessarily in terms of hashtags, it shows all the trending topics on the right-hand side of the search results.
#SocialMedia #Friends #Groups #Likes #Trends #Apps
Google+ supports the use of hashtags to group or sort posts just like Twitter or Facebook. It was automatically assigning hashtags to posts what they think as important keywords in 2014, but that feature doesn’t seem to be in action nowadays.
#SocialMedia #Circles #Communities
It is good to check out similar photos on Instagram with the help of hashtags, just hashtag the photo taken by you and clicking on the particular hashtag will take you to the page containing similar photos.
#Images #PhotoStory #Likes #Comment
Hashtags can be added in the video description and comment section of the YouTube, it will bring all the results on the page having that particular hashtag in the description on one page.
#Videos #Subscriptions #Movies #Channels #Likes
Walnut is an innovative mobile app for personal use which let you categorize, sort and track your expenses and earnings with the use of hashtags. You can use multiple hashtags to categorize and track your money. It reads the text messages received on your phone and intelligently adds suitable hashtags automatically, furthermore it also allows you to add customized hashtags.
#Finance #Earnings #Expenses #Reports
Sigmify is a business application which supports a unique way of sharing transactions and lets people collaborate using hashtags by saving and sharing hashtag search as a bookmark. You can monitor any business process and underlying transactions using hashtags. Consolidated graphical reports based on the hashtags are also available. Sigmify also takes care authorization and limits the visibility and operations on transactions.
#Business #Collaboration #Colleagues #Conversations #HashtagReports
There are many other social media sites which support hashtags like Tumblr, Pinterest, Vine, Diaspora. There are sites for Social media listening too which help
- Track your hashtag performance
- Provide a window to analyze sentiments and feedback
- Create strategies for your social media campaigns.
Some websites which help in Social media listening are Sprinklr, SproutSocial, Hootsuite.
So there are plenty of applications and uses of hashtags. Hashtags play an important role in the social environment and now we see their potential in managing our business processes, finances and collaboration. With a proper tool, you can group and manage data using hashtags. It would be right to say that hashtags are going to be the new language of the semantic web.